Wednesday, July 22, 2009

You Know You Have Been Traveling Too Much When . . . .

I had this funny little thought yesterday on my way home from Utah. Actually, I was in the restroom at the Salt Lake Airport. So, this was what I was thinking. You know you have been traveling too much when . . . . you know which restroom stall in the SL Airport has a good lock on it. That may not strike you as funny, but for some reason it did me. This past weekend was my sixth trip to Utah for 2009 and I have at least one more next month when Holly & D.J. get married.

However, we had a fantastic weekend in Utah where we were able to spend time with all of our grandchildren. First, Marissa and I tended Brandon & Tayler while Jenny and Jason went to Park City overnight for their anniversary. We had a slumber party down in the TV room and watched cartoons until 11:00 at night. At first Brandon & Tayler couldn't figure out what we were doing pulling the mattresses down into the TV room, but once we got it all set up with just about every pillow in the house, they could see that it was going to be great fun and they started bouncing away. Fun times!

While we were down in Utah, Jenny, Allison, Stephanie, Marissa and Jenny Osthed put on a bridal shower for Holly which was beautiful and very nicely done. Holly is well loved as we could tell by all that was put into the shower, not to mention the wonderful turnout of family and friends. Thanks to all who came!

Weekend pictures coming soon . . .

1 comment:

RecipeNut said...

I'm still laughing...maybe it just means you need to utah